Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What is "Parental Alienation Syndrome?"

The BraveHeart panel talks with Dorcy Russell, the founder of the "Conscious Co-Parenting Institute", about strategies and solutions for parents and children struggling with "Parental Alienation" and high conflict divorce.


Ways To End Relationships: How To Break Up With Someone Painlessly

Breaking up is like swallowing a bitter pill. You know it's not going to be any good but you still have to do it to get better anyway. Nobody likes to be the one to break the bad news; but luckily, people are starting to learn the proper ways to end relationships - ways that will make the whole ordeal less painful.

Over time, people have learned the best ways to end relationships. A lot of it has to do with common sense; but since this is quite an emotional time for the couples involved, common sense does not exactly have a place here. The tips below are intended to set you free while minimizing the emotional hurt that might result.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summary of the fashion week in Sao Paulo

I found a very interesting video on the fashion week in Sao Paulo where we can see a summary of what was the fashion week in Sao Paulo for the spring-summer fashion 2011. And we can see which designers and their collections were present.

Among them we see Alexandre Herchcovitch, Cori, Ellus, Cia Maritima, Cavalera, Iodice, Osklen, Tufi Duek, Rosa Cha, Movimento, Jefferson Kulig, Animale, Adriana Degreas, Agua de Coco y Triton.

Look at the hairstyles. The hairstyles are simple, minimalist is the strong fashion on the runways.

As for haircuts, I saw some hair with straight cut on the ends, no layers. Well-straight hair. This is a long video, about 25 minutes but 25 minutes that are well spent.



Monday, August 29, 2011

In One Afternoon from Funky to Fabulous!

Today the Braveheart View panel talks with Eli Davidson who is an author, speaker and success coach who uses 'turnaround techinques' to teach people how to go from Funky to Fabulous in one afternoon! Eli has her 'game on' and is ready to share with the BraveHeart View panel!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Olive Tapenade with Garlic Toast Recipe

Chef Suzanne teaches us a delicious recipe for olive tapenade with garlic toast.



Saturday, August 27, 2011

Guide For Your Home Furniture

Right furniture pieces can be the anchor to your home. Placing them aesthetically, you can make your living place more elegant and inviting. Read this article to know how can you decorate your home areas with suitable furniture items and right color combination.

Your home reflects your personality. If you love to follow the current fashion trends, then why not assimilate the same in your home decor as well. Decorating with right kind of furniture, you can give your home the unique appearance. Although a wide range of furniture pieces is available in the market, you need to purchase the ones that suit the latest trend and the theme of your home. Read on to get some valuable ideas on how to choose the right furniture for your home and make it a more beautiful and comfortable place to live in.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Did you know Money and your Emotions are Related? We share details!

The BraveHeart View panel discusses "Are your emotions making money & success grow wings and fly away?"

Warren Buffet says "If you can't manage your emotions, don't expect to manage money. "

Renegotiating Your Mortgage

The government seems to be doing everything that they can in order to correct the real estate market. Even though Congress and the Fed are calling for the Obama Administration to cut back on unacceptable spending, they keep on trying to push through new legislation. The administration is moving forward with their "Making Home Affordable" loan modification program, that is intended to give monetary incentives to banks that go forward with short sales and deed-in-lieu transactions.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Do I Say To Get My Girlfriend Back? Or, More Importantly, Here's What Not To Say

Right now, this very second, you may be wondering, "What do I say to get my girlfriend back?" If you're currently going through a breakup and desperate to get your girlfriend back, then you may be wondering if there are certain words you can say that will have her crawling back into your arms.

In fact, you may be texting her and calling her hoping you find that magic combination which will make her head over heels in love with you again. If you're doing this, stop it and take two minutes to read this article. There are in fact certain words you can say to increase your chance of getting her back, but they're probably not what you are expecting.

Kids and Obesity in America - What is the Solution?

The panel takes up the passionate and emotional topic of "Kids and Obesity in America". Why has this happened, who is responsible, and most importantly, what is the solution?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Victoria Beckham likes

As we learned, Victoria Beckham has no longer interest in the world of music. Her passion now is fashion and now she is a designer. Her debut in the fashion world come with the next fall season. She revel us what are her ideas for the Fall Fashion 2011. Well I don't like so much her designs and I find the boots seem very wide for  those dresses. Perhaps you have another opinion. What you think about her designs?

This is her collection for autumn winter 2011


Monday, August 22, 2011

Diabetic Focal Neuropathy

Diabetes focal neuropathy strikes an individual nerve, normally within your feet, wrists or thighs. It may also threaten selected nerves within the chest area, your upper back and also the ones that control the muscles created by your eyes.

Focal neuro...

The Entire Process Of A Trip To The Pediatric Dental Practice

if you don't know what you should expect from a child tooth doctor. If you are one of the an incredible number of adults who had moms and dads who were adament on taking you to the dental practitioner twice a year, all you might remember about going is th...

Back Pain Cause - The First Step In Severe Back Pain Relief!

Back Pain Cause - varies a great deal, and can range from a basic sprain to a chronic condition that can have you laid up for months or even longer. Everyday tasks will become virtually impossible, and your life will become very restricting.

Symptoms a...

Upper Back Pain Relief - Causes and Cures

Upper Back Pain Relief - There are many different causes of upper back pain, and while not as common as pain in the lower back, it can often times be a much more painful, often chronic condition. The good news is...There ARE medications and pain managemen...

How you can Get rid of Hemorrhoids with Witch Hazel

It might be hard to attempt and figure out ways to do away with hemorrhoids. Immediately after all, a number of the world’s top physicians cannot seem to figure out what the issue really is. Some people are perfectly capable to remove their piles with P...

How you can Get rid of Hemorrhoids with Witch Hazel

It can be complicated to attempt and determine find out how to get rid of hemorrhoids. Following all, a number of the world’s top physicians cannot appear to find out what the problem actually is. Some individuals are perfectly able to eradicate their pil...

Gum Disease – Battling The Almost Inevitable Gum Disease

Chances are high that you will have periodontal disease or gum disease in your lifetime. Over 80% of adults do. With those odds, it may seem inevitable that you will have it, but why not be in the 20% that don’t? You can, all it takes is diligent, thoroug...

If You Are on the Market for Family Dentistry

If you are on the market for family dentistry, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by all your options. Where should you start? Reliable dental care for you and your family is very important, so you want to be sure you choose wisely. These are a few guidelines...

Best Skin Care Products for a Younger Looking Skin

“Your appearance is your first impression," the statement is evidently germane in its every kinesthesia. Of course this everlasting conjecture is marked seeing your outer beauty. Imagine yourself dressed in perfect attire accompanied with a righteous hair...

Toronto Physio, Including Physiotherapist and Massage Therapy, Compliments Medicine

If you’ve been hurt in an accident or have simply had chronic pain, a Toronto physiotherapist may be able to help. Even if a traditional medical doctor has said there’s no treatment and has been prescribing pain pill after pain pill, a Toronto physiother...

Would Ingesting Folic Acid Really valuable in Healing Gout?

Gout is actually a disease of the kings, probably because this is the illness attained by eating all the pleasant food around. Red meats, alcoholic drinks a whole bunch more. Individuals will occasionally joke, if it's delectable, it may cause gout. In su...

Are You Ready to Be a Physician Assistant?

The job that a physician assistant does has almost the same scope of practice as a physician’s scope of practice. This is very much the case considering that health care workers in this profession do just about all the jobs that were traditionally done by...

Medical Billing Services - Maximum Reimbursement for Your Claims

Medical billing services are specifically oriented towards optimizing the effectiveness and efficiency of your medical facility. Outsourcing firms that offer these services employ advanced billing processes to help you get maximum reimbursement for your c...

Looking young benefits of steam and sauna bath

It is a natural process that the bodies are required to get rid of the toxins and wastes on a daily basis. Liver, kidneys, skin and the like organs are involved in the detoxification process. With the help of removal of toxic materials from the body its g...

Instant Aesthetic And Functional Solutions With Houston Teeth In An Hour

To those unfamiliar with All on Four dental implants, Houston teeth in an hour may seem like an unfathomable concept. Sure, you’ve heard of instant coffee, instant noodles and instant oatmeal… but instant teeth? Yes, that’s right; dentists can now replace...

Vitamin B12 Injections for a Healthier Lifestyle

Before, medical doctors present vitamin B12 injections
to their patients that suffer from anemia or even fatigue and any other symptoms brought about by vitamin b12 deficiency. It has been observed that taking pills can't aid that significantly so they ...

Tips for proper maintenance of bottled or mains water coolers for ensured safety

Well, we all are aware of water dispensers and water coolers. It is most common device used in offices and home offices to serve potable water. You may be knowing that water coolers can be catagorised in two different categories based on the method of wat...

Google Dental Implants Draper

Many people damage or lose teeth due to accident at some point of their life. Whether the tooth is chipped, cracked or you are missing teeth, it can be fixed. Modern dental technology allows for lost or damaged teeth to be repaired and get you back to th...

I Called Our Dentist in Sandy for Our Dental Emergency

Have you ever noticed that whenever there is an emergency it is on the weekend or after hours like at night? Especially a dental emergency. I think kids have emergencies at odd times on purpose, just to induce pure panic. If you have kids then you have ...

Add Juicing to Your List of Home Heartburn Remedies

I had a light bulb experience recently. You know, one of those times when something that has been there all along suddenly pops into your mind. Two subjects that I have written on extensively suddenly intersected in a marvelous way. How could I have po...

Important Thyroid Information

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease where the thyroid gland is slowly destroyed by various antibodies and cell mediated immune processes. This disease affects the thyroid which is a small gland located below the Adam’s apple, at the base of the neck. The...

A Quick Look at Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Atomic absorption spectroscopy, or AAS, is an analytical procedure for the quantitative and qualitative determination of chemical elements in a given substance. It employs the absorption of light by free atoms in their gaseous state. This technique is use...

An insight into Family Counselors offering Child Therapy

If a child has been suffering from symptoms of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety or any other behavioral issues, the best resort is to consult a Child Therapist or Family Counselors. While passing through the difficult phases of the growing...

Types of Dental Braces Available for Adults

If you think back to your childhood, you may still have images of that awkward teenager who always got picked on for having that crooked smile. As an adult the fact that your teeth are not straight may still cause issues for your self-esteem.

You may ...

On the TRAIL of therapeutic antibody treatments

Monoclonal antibodies are important research tools in the fight against cancer. But they have also proven to be powerful therapeutic tools in their own right, owing to their ability to target specific proteins expressed by tumour cells. Recently, research...

Back Pain And The Cause Of Compromised Cells And Tissue.

Back ache manifests itself first of all as lower back pain and then moves up to manifest as upper back pain and neck pain. It also moves down the legs, manifesting first of all as sacral pain then as hip pain and finally knee pain.

The number one enemy...

Things to consider before you decide to undergo Vasectomy reversal

Are you thinking about having more children? Have you remarried and want to start a new family? You can now do all this in spite of undergoing a vasectomy earlier. Vasectomy reversal is a procedure through which it becomes possible for couples to become p...

Thyroid Dysfunction Information

The thyroid is a butter fly shaped, small gland that is located in the lower region of the neck. The function of the thyroid is secreting hormones. The main hormones that are secreted by this gland include T3 also known as triiodothyronine, and T4, also k...

Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss and Techniques to Save Money By Knowing Accurate Hearing Aids Prices

The first step in preventing hearing loss is to practice a healthy lifestyle. A healthy body has properly functioning organs responsible for flushing out toxins and killing harmful elements from the environment, such as disease-carrying microbes and virus...

Diabetes Dental Problems

Research has shown that people with diabetes are more prone to gum disease and dental problems than those who don’t. A strong connection has been made between diabetes and dental problems, which cannot be ignored.

Periodontitis is a severe form of gum...

Mysterious Varicose Veins

What are Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are any veins that become gnarled and enlarged. Veins most commonly affect and having the greatest probability of becoming varicose are the veins located in the legs and feet. This is a direct result of gravity si...

A Guide to Specialty Dentistry

The American Dental Association (ADA) recognizes nine specialties of dental medicine. This overview is intended for consumers to give them an overview of each dental specialty and for those seeking specialty dental treatment, including orthodontists in Pe...

Purchasing your health products through price comparison adds significant benefit to your bucket

Change is omnipresent and technology is not an exception. The advancement in technology tends to have affect on every sector of the society. Internet has a brought a dramatic change in the way one sees the outside world. Have our fore fathers ever thought...

Why not to buy digital hearing aids online

The audible range Industry has been in service in much the same way for almost fifty years. The last thing someone who owns a hearing center or clinic wants you to do is buy your hearing aids over the Internet because they are at a different price disadva...

Natural Acne Cures For You To Use At Home

Are you looking for natural acne cures? Acne effects most people at some time in their live. Acne is a very common skin disorder that involves the sebaceous glands in the back, face and neck. Suffering with acne will result in blackheads, cysts,pimples an...

Allergies: How Healthy is Your Home?

Outdoor allergies are often debilitating for a lot of people in the spring and summer. The environments we subject ourselves to on a daily basis does have a great impact on our health. Believe it or not, poor air quality exposure may be having a negati...

Informations of Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace both the form and the function of missing teeth. In the case of existing teeth, the tooth root holds the tooth in place. When a tooth has been lost due to infection, gum disease, an accident, or injury, a dental implant...

Diabetes Blood Sugar Control

Blood sugar control is critical for all people suffering from type 2 diabetes. High blood sugar levels can be very damaging to the body because of the inflammation that it causes. Many people do not understand the connection between high blood sugar level...

What Causes Acne and Pimples

Anyone in the world can suffer with acne. It does not matter where you are from our what age you are. It doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, male or female it can still effect you. This is because everyone's skin is different , we all have various facto...

Big Pharmas Vying for Product Specific Deals in Global RNAi Industry

As per our new research report "Global RNAi Market Analysis", companies working in the RNAi industry are presently interested in a specific RNAi Therapeutics candidate with which they can deal with the external company directly, without the need for an in...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Medically supervised weight loss: better result for your health only

Nowadays, people are getting very much conscious about their health and fitness. And it is good that they are quite updated about all the advantages and disadvantages of different weight loss programs present in the market. People are finding one fact tha...

Laser Hair Removal too expensive? Try something else options

When it comes to hair removal, you have many options. Some methods are cheap and cheerful (or perhaps you do not agree, because they can be painful) and some are expensive and relatively painless.
Laser Hair Removal too expensive? Try these other options...

Focus on Patients: Use Medical Billing Service and Practice Management Software

Physicians have chosen to practice medicine because they want to help people. The medical profession is one that requires enormous amounts of skill and compassion. In order to maintain a practice, however, physicians must be able to schedule appointments...

EHR Solutions Include EMR and EHR Software

EMR software describes any software that tracks patient medical records electronically. ‘EMR software’ means ‘electronic medical records software.’ The term EMR software can be used interchangeably with EHR software.

‘EHR software’ means ‘electronic h...


Restylane is intended for shaping the contours of the face, e.g. the cheeks.When shaping the contours of the face the crystal-clear NASHA gel is injected into the skin in tiny amounts. A treatment takes a few minutes and the results can be seen immediatel...

Delicious Cholesterol Lowering Foods

Cholesterol is used to produce cell membranes and hormones which are transported in the blood plasma of all mammals. It is an essential structure component of mammalian cell membranes. It’s also essential for many metabolic processes. There are two types ...

Recommended High Blood Pressure Diet

Blood Pressure (also referred as BP) is the pressure exerted by the circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels. It varies between a minimum and a maximum pressure which is called Diastolic and Systolic respectively. BP is determined by the amount o...

Grow Longer Eyelashes in Only 2 Weeks with LASHEM Natural Beauty Products

Longer, bolder eye lashes, wrinkle-free skin, and fresh, bright eyes sound too good to be true? LASHEM has a line of beauty products that will help you grow longer eyelashes, decrease those surprise wrinkles, and turn those dark circles under your eyes in...

Revitol AcneZine and the 3 Things That You Probably Hate About Pimples

Pimples can be a big problem and this is exactly why Revitol AcneZine is available. Sure this is not a product that has celebrity endorsements all over the television, but who cares about that if the product does not even work. You don't want to use som...

Differences between Standard Pilates and Pilates for Pain Relief

Pilates is a deep total body conditioning exercise program that when done mindfully, connects the body to the mind to bring about an intelligent body. An intelligent body knows how to hold up itself without much effort. An intelligent body knows how to pe...

Fitness Marketing Secrets Revealed!

If you're wondering how to market yourself as a brilliant fitness trainer and get more clients, be sure to read on. Being a fitness trainer, you may have a glamorous body but your job is no longer glamorous if you don't have stable clients. There are mill...

Expert Opinion on Choosing Sunglasses

Most people know that they should use sunscreen to protect their skin from sun’s harmful rays. However, they do not know their eyes can be damaged as well. Buying sunglasses is more helpful for protecting our eyes rather than just a fashion statement. It ...

Removing Moles at Home With Natural Remedy

There are many unwanted skin conditions that are very widespread and included in these conditions are moles. Many people experience their confidence being affected by their appearance. Therefore they may view an appearance of a mole on their body as not a...

Learn more about the hottest trends in hair styling

Micabeauty has got the hottest trend in the hair styling industry. One of the best hair crystals products is Micabeauty Glisten. The result of using these products is beautiful glistening hair that is guaranteed to turn heads wherever you go. Now you don’...

Staying Germ-Free With Enmotion Towel Dispensers

The more that we know about germs, the more we try to avoid them. More and more public bathrooms are adding hands-free toilets and sinks so that we don't have to touch dirty objects that are covered with germs. The toilet flushing lever and sink handles a...