Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Get Ex Back - 10 Things You MUST Avoid When Getting Your Ex Back

In spite of all your exploits to stop a break up and make up again with your ex, you might be in reality precipitating the crisis. You could well be stifling the situation further rather than winning back your ex heart.


Check whether you are making any of these break up blunders

When you communicate to your ex-lover that giving up on your relationship is not the best result. Not only does this convince them to leave you, but it also supports their feelings that they were weak enough to get into a relationship with you in the first place.

Touching Base instantly after a breakup

Your ex has broken up with you so this should make you realize that they need some space at the moment and the very last thing they wish is to listen to you.


Drunk Dialing

Alcohol can play havoc with your emotions right now as soon after a few drinks you feel like to talking to your ex.


Sending mailbox full of emails or countless messages on voice mail

These activities never help, without a doubt it may make the situation take a turn for the worse.


Sharing your inner feelings of being lost, forlorn and depressed with your lost lover since the time both of you broke up

Maybe you are thinking that you are likeable to your ex softer emotions, but actually you are showing to be extremely intense and showing signs of perfect despair. This actually falls under the category of dodgy conducts, and however unplanned, it will deliver a real sledge hammer blow to the relationship.


Incessantly debating about the separation, harping about the past and danging up memories of situations which are best forgotten

This would doubtless attract attention and could maybe result in some conversation but think about it, is this the way you would like to utilize your time? This kind of action is rather juvenile and would never get you anyplace, so you are stuck from where you started.


Expressing your undying love over and over

Even if your ex fully appreciated and acknowledged your unfading affection, this is not the time to confess such emotions or why would they leave in the first place? This is the right time to view the position in a wholly new light and dissect the past to find what precisely went bad rather than relying on the strength of your love to assist you tide over the situation.


Repeatedly telling him or her how sorry you are

It is feasible that you hurt your partner like two-timing or not living by your commitment. An apology is in order, but you have to know the correct way to make an effective apology and rarely anyone knows how this is done. You also need to be careful not to ask for a pardon too soon. Just In Case you believe you have not done anything which involves you saying sorry, then you are being unjustified with yourself as you are making important compromises here and that is not a bold trait in one's character.


Seeking to make your ex-lover jealous

Well, this might work for some psychological reason's, and possibly a little bit won't hurt as people incline to need what they can't have, but it still won't change the reasons for the break up in the first place. If all you are depending on is manipulative maneuvers to try and getting back an ex you will end up with a somewhat twisted relationship that will be even tougher to keep going for the long term.


Begging with them so that you could get back

Let me tell you something here. Anyone worth his salt and confident about him or herself would never turn that desperate, which justifies being backwards merely to get back some person in life. Now that you know what blunders to avoid when trying to getting ex back, it's time to get a better perspective on where the relationship went wrong, and what needs to change and then you can begin planning a SMARTER strategy for getting your ex back.


Tip: Check out this great Get Ex Back Review and discover how to get your ex back without becoming a stalker. These tips will help you when trying to getting ex back.


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About the Author: Fatlosslady Hi, my name is Nicole but a lot of my friends call me fat loss lady because my lifetime passion is weight loss and health.

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